May 21, 2006, 05:53 PM // 17:53
Pre-Searing Cadet
Guild Wars crashes, nothing else does this.
I'm getting sometimes soft locks, sometimes hard locks while playing guild wars. It's random and can happen 5 minutes after opening the game, or an hour (usually about 15 minutes or so). Doesnt matter what I'm doing, it's happened in almost every type of situation. I'm running a radeon x800XL, athlon 2700+, 1 GB ram, soundblaster 5.1 sound card, and sata Harddrive(s). No other game does this to me. I recently reformatted, and the problem is still there. I am about to upgrade to x1800XT, opteron 175, and 2gb of ram.
I have updated all the components (sound, video, etc.) to the latest drivers.
Here's my most recent crash report:
*--> Crash <--*
Exception: c0000005
Memory at address 53f11ac0 could not be read
App: Gw.exe
ProgramId: 1
Build: 17399
When: 5/21/2006 13:49:04
Flags: 0
*--> System <--*
Processors: 1 [AuthenticAMD:15:15:0]
OSVersion: 5.1
*--> Thread 0xfffffffe <--*
eax=53f11ab0 ebx=00000000 ecx=02c32600 edx=0127fb80 esi=02c2ea58 edi=0127fb80
eip=73f1e089 esp=0127fb58 ebp=0127fb68
cs=210246 ss=001b ds=0023 es=0023 fs=0023 gs=003b efl=00000000
ecx-32 02C325E0 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
ecx-16 02C325F0 00000000 00000000 06c20016 010801a5
ecx +0 02C32600 73f11ab0 00000001 00000fa0 00000ff0
ecx+16 02C32610 00000001 01642528 0000000f 0000058c
ecx+32 02C32620 000280e8 02c1fc60 00000000 00000000
ecx+48 02C32630 00000000 00000000 00000000 02c2ebb8
edx-32 0127FB60 02c2edf8 00007d00 0127fb9c 73f353b7
edx-16 0127FB70 0127fb80 00000001 00000001 02c2edf8
edx +0 0127FB80 00000002 00000000 ffffdcf0 00000002
edx+16 0127FB90 ffffe838 0000ffff 0000003b 0127fbc0
edx+32 0127FBA0 73f349c8 73f224c8 02c082d0 01647ff8
edx+48 0127FBB0 00000000 00000000 00000000 02c2edf8
esi-32 02C2EA38 11ce4981 200021a5 60e50baf 02c2acec
esi-16 02C2EA48 02c2ace8 00000000 00060012 010c0150
esi +0 02C2EA58 73f11a10 00000001 00000fa0 00000ff0
esi+16 02C2EA68 00000001 00010fa0 01642528 02c2ef10
esi+32 02C2EA78 000280b8 00003600 02c2e910 c241333f
esi+48 02C2EA88 11d21c1b c000f594 ca8ac24f 00000000
esi-32 0127FB60 02c2edf8 00007d00 0127fb9c 73f353b7
esi-16 0127FB70 0127fb80 00000001 00000001 02c2edf8
esi +0 0127FB80 00000002 00000000 ffffdcf0 00000002
esi+16 0127FB90 ffffe838 0000ffff 0000003b 0127fbc0
esi+32 0127FBA0 73f349c8 73f224c8 02c082d0 01647ff8
esi+48 0127FBB0 00000000 00000000 00000000 02c2edf8
*--> Code <--*
73F1E069 f18b0657 33dbff90 80000000 85c08b7d ...W3..........}
73F1E079 08742739 5e707511 8b4e4cff 77088b01 .t'9^pu..NL.w...
73F1E089 ff50108b d885db7c 1d8b4e4c ff77108b .P.....|..NL.w..
73F1E099 01ff5014 8bd885db 7c0c8b47 08894668 ..P.....|..G..Fh
73F1E0A9 8b471089 466c5f5e 8bc35b5d c2040090 .G..Fl_^..[]....
73F1E0B9 90909090 8bff558b ec83ec20 56578d45 ......U.... VW.E
*--> Trace <--*
Pc:73f1e089 Fr:0127fb68 Rt:73f353b7 Arg:0127fb80 00000001 00000001 02c2edf8
Pc:73f353b7 Fr:0127fb9c Rt:73f349c8 Arg:73f224c8 02c082d0 01647ff8 00000000
Pc:73f349c8 Fr:0127fbc0 Rt:73f358d4 Arg:00000018 00000000 00000000 0127fbec
Pc:73f358d4 Fr:0127fbd4 Rt:73f23d87 Arg:00000018 00000000 00000000 01647ff8
Pc:73f23d87 Fr:0127fbec Rt:73f22a25 Arg:00000018 0127fcec be3c37ec 01647ff8
Pc:73f22a25 Fr:0127fc0c Rt:73f33f96 Arg:00000018 0083a470 73f3934c be3c37ec
Pc:73f33f96 Fr:0127fc24 Rt:006c85d4 Arg:016480c8 0127fc94 0127fcd0 006c1518
Pc:006c85d4 Fr:0127fc34 Rt:006c1518 Arg:0127fc94 0127fcec 0083a4e8 03611fa0
Pc:006c1518 Fr:0127fcd0 Rt:00442852 Arg:3c891c79 0127fcf8 0127fcec 0127fd34
Pc:00442852 Fr:0127fd10 Rt:0043c24b Arg:0a977e18 036edfa0 005700f7 00000000
Pc:0043c24b Fr:0127fd4c Rt:0056f344 Arg:0000003d 0127fdb8 00000000 d9ed7cab
Pc:0056f344 Fr:0127fd7c Rt:00570acb Arg:0127fdb8 00000000 0127fdf4 00f15388
Pc:00570acb Fr:0127fda0 Rt:005637cc Arg:00000000 00f2d0cc 0000000c 3c891c79
Pc:005637cc Fr:0127fdc0 Rt:00562834 Arg:00000002 00f15158 0127fe74 00000002
Pc:00562834 Fr:0127fe00 Rt:0055c898 Arg:00f1518c 00f2d0c0 00000004 0127fe74
Pc:0055c898 Fr:0127fe3c Rt:0055c5bc Arg:00000004 00f15388 00000000 00000001
Pc:0055c5bc Fr:0127fe78 Rt:0055c18e Arg:0127ff20 0127ff1c ffffffff 00000002
Pc:0055c18e Fr:0127ff14 Rt:0051eb02 Arg:0055c010 00000001 00000002 ffffffff
Pc:0051eb02 Fr:0127ff34 Rt:0052280b Arg:7c913d00 00e79e28 00e74350 00369e99
Pc:0052280b Fr:0127ff68 Rt:0051c741 Arg:00000002 7c913d00 00e74350 00e74350
Pc:0051c741 Fr:0127ff80 Rt:0074f6de Arg:00e79e28 7c913d00 ffffffff 00e74350
Pc:0074f6de Fr:0127ffb4 Rt:7c80b50b Arg:00e74350 7c913d00 ffffffff 00e74350
Pc:7c80b50b Fr:0127ffec Rt:00000000 Arg:0074f67f 00e74350 00000000 01640050
*--> Stack <--*
0127FB58 ffffdcf0 00000000 02c2edf8 00007d00 .............}..
0127FB68 0127fb9c 73f353b7 0127fb80 00000001 ..'..S.s..'.....
0127FB78 00000001 02c2edf8 00000002 00000000 ................
0127FB88 ffffdcf0 00000002 ffffe838 0000ffff ........8.......
0127FB98 0000003b 0127fbc0 73f349c8 73f224c8 ;.....'..I.s.$.s
0127FBA8 02c082d0 01647ff8 00000000 00000000 ......d.........
0127FBB8 00000000 02c2edf8 0127fbd4 73f358d4 ..........'..X.s
0127FBC8 00000018 00000000 00000000 0127fbec ..............'.
0127FBD8 73f23d87 00000018 00000000 00000000 .=.s............
0127FBE8 01647ff8 0127fc0c 73f22a25 00000018 ..d...'.%*.s....
0127FBF8 0127fcec be3c37ec 01647ff8 00000000 ..'..7<...d.....
0127FC08 00000001 0127fc24 73f33f96 00000018 ....$.'..?.s....
0127FC18 0083a470 73f3934c be3c37ec 0127fc34 p...L..s.7<.4.'.
0127FC28 006c85d4 016480c8 0127fc94 0127fcd0 ..l...d...'...'.
0127FC38 006c1518 0127fc94 0127fcec 0083a4e8 ..l...'...'.....
0127FC48 03611fa0 0062cb59 0000000a 0127fdb8 ..a.Y.b.......'.
0127FC58 0000003d 00b3a5b3 3f340000 00e6d345 =.........4?E...
0127FC68 3f340000 3f490fdb 3f3504f3 00000000 ..4?..I?..5?....
0127FC78 3f3504f3 bf764f79 be3c37ec 3e420a46 ..5?yOv..7<.F.B>
0127FC88 bf764f79 be3c37ec 3e420a46 c4d1080e yOv..7<.F.B>....
0127FC98 4685fb97 c4d59174 c3ad2fe1 c2845752 ...Ft..../..RW..
0127FCA8 42886f39 c4d1080e 4685fb97 c4d59174 9o.B.......Ft...
0127FCB8 0083a470 00000000 00000001 0083a4e8 p...............
0127FCC8 3b2db588 43bca320 0127fd10 00442852 ..-; ..C..'.R(D.
0127FCD8 3c891c79 0127fcf8 0127fcec 0127fd34 y..<..'...'.4.'.
0127FCE8 0127fdb8 bf764f79 be3c37ec 3e420a46 ..'.yOv..7<.F.B>
0127FCF8 00000000 00000000 bf800000 c4d371c8 .............q..
0127FD08 0127fd4c 0043c0ae 0127fd4c 0043c24b L.'...C.L.'.K.C.
0127FD18 0a977e18 036edfa0 005700f7 00000000 .~....n...W.....
0127FD28 06b967f8 06b96800 021c2228 0000000a .g...h..("......
0127FD38 0000003d 036edfa4 000000c0 80000000 =.....n.........
0127FD48 00000000 0127fd7c 0056f344 0000003d ....|.'.D.V.=...
0127FD58 0127fdb8 00000000 d9ed7cab 00000004 ..'......|......
0127FD68 0000003d 00000008 0127fd70 0127fd69 =.......p.'.i.'.
0127FD78 021c2210 0127fda0 00570acb 0127fdb8 ."....'...W...'.
0127FD88 00000000 0127fdf4 00f15388 00000000 ......'..S......
0127FD98 0127fdb8 0000003d 0127fdc0 005637cc ..'.=.....'..7V.
0127FDA8 00000000 00f2d0cc 0000000c 3c891c79 ............y..<
0127FDB8 3c891c79 3c891c79 0127fe00 00562834 y..<y..<..'.4(V.
0127FDC8 00000002 00f15158 0127fe74 00000002 ....XQ..t.'.....
0127FDD8 00000002 00000004 0127fdfc 00f15388 ..........'..S..
0127FDE8 00000001 00000000 005174c7 00f2d0cc .........tQ.....
0127FDF8 00f15185 00000000 0127fe3c 0055c898 .Q......<.'...U.
0127FE08 00f1518c 00f2d0c0 00000004 0127fe74 .Q..........t.'.
0127FE18 00f15388 00000001 00f15158 80086b88 .S......XQ...k..
0127FE28 00f152dc 00000000 0127fe30 0127fe31 .R......0.'.1.'.
0127FE38 00000002 0127fe78 0055c5bc 00000004 ....x.'...U.....
0127FE48 00f15388 00000000 00000001 00000002 .S..............
0127FE58 00f15158 80086b88 00000000 00000000 XQ...k..........
0127FE68 00f15158 00f15370 00518978 00000010 XQ..pS..x.Q.....
0127FE78 0127ff14 0055c18e 0127ff20 0127ff1c ..'...U. .'...'.
0127FE88 ffffffff 00000002 80086b88 0000006c .........k..l...
0127FE98 00000070 ffffffff 00000202 80540a7f p.............T.
0127FEA8 a8113bac 50b4c20e 00f15370 00000014 .;.....PpS......
0127FEB8 00000001 00000000 00000000 00000010 ................
0127FEC8 00000000 00000000 805b7a79 7ffde000 ........yz[.....
0127FED8 7ffda000 e15d6b88 0127fec8 0127fe94 .....k]...'...'.
0127FEE8 00f15158 00000001 00000000 0000847b XQ..........{...
0127FEF8 7c80a42b 0127fe80 0127f77c 0127ffa4 +..|..'.|.'...'.
0127FF08 004fe65c 007886c8 00000000 0127ff34 \.O...x.....4.'.
0127FF18 0051eb02 0055c010 00000001 00000002 ..Q...U.........
0127FF28 ffffffff 80086b88 00000002 0127ff68 .....k......h.'.
0127FF38 0052280b 7c913d00 00e79e28 00e74350 .(R..=.|(...PC..
0127FF48 00369e99 00000000 a5c4819a 00000000 ..6.............
*--> LogQueue <--*
*--> DirectX Device Info <--*
VendorId = 0x1002
DeviceId = 0x554d
Version = 6.14.0010.6606
Description = RADEON X800 Series
Compat = 0x00000001
VidMem = 256 MB
*--> DirectSound Device Info <--*
Description = SB Live! Audio [E400]
Module = ctaud2k.sys
Version (MS) = 0x0005000c
Version (LS) = 0x000100fc
Company = Creative Technology Ltd
3D channels = 30
2D channels = 30
EAX support = EAX 2
Device count = 1
May 22, 2006, 05:51 PM // 17:51
Lion's Arch Merchant
Join Date: Feb 2006
Location: Honduras
Guild: Ye Old
Profession: W/Mo
wow i have same problem see.
*--> Crash <--*
Exception: c0000005
Memory at address 00c27808 could not be read
App: Gw.exe
ProgramId: 1
Build: 17370
When: 5/17/2006 21:45:13
Flags: 0x1
*--> System <--*
Name: RECASA-2328B1F9
Processors: 2 [GenuineIntel:15:4:3]
OSVersion: 5.1
*--> Thread 0xfffffffe <--*
eax=00000000 ebx=009ef340 ecx=012bfba4 edx=0009317a esi=0003107e edi=00000004
eip=006835d8 esp=012bfb4c ebp=012bfbb0
cs=210246 ss=001b ds=0023 es=0023 fs=0023 gs=003b efl=00000000
ebx-32 009EF320 0000030f 00000c41 00001883 00003107
ebx-16 009EF330 0000620f 0000c41f 0001883f 0003107f
ebx +0 009EF340 0003107e 0000000b 00000038 00000012
ebx+16 009EF350 0000002e 000000da 00000012 0000002f
ebx+32 009EF360 000000dc 00000012 00000034 000000e2
ebx+48 009EF370 00000012 00000035 000000e4 00000012
ecx-32 012BFB84 00000002 00000001 00000001 00000000
ecx-16 012BFB94 00000002 00000001 00000001 00000000
ecx +0 012BFBA4 00000001 00000001 00000000 012bfbd4
ecx+16 012BFBB4 00682732 009ef340 012bfbcc 0e920010
ecx+32 012BFBC4 08d043a8 028a967c 009f414a 0a2b0344
ecx+48 012BFBD4 012bfbec 0067343c 028a6b80 09e24ae0
*--> Code <--*
006835B8 eb000000 568d4dc8 e8fb1500 0085c00f ....V.M.........
006835C8 85da0000 008b5d08 8d14768d 4df45157 ......]...v.M.QW
006835D8 8b049520 b29d008d 349520b2 9d008d4d ... ....4. ....M
006835E8 ec8d14c5 c03a9d00 e8ab9bfe ff8bd08d .....:..........
006835F8 4de4e871 9bfeff8b 108d4df4 8955b051 M..q......M..U.Q
00683608 8b400457 8945b48b 46048d4d dc8d14c5 [email protected]....
*--> Trace <--*
Pc:006835d8 Fr:012bfbb0 Rt:00682732 Arg:009ef340 012bfbcc 0e920010 08d043a8
Pc:00682732 Fr:012bfbd4 Rt:0067343c Arg:028a6b80 09e24ae0 028a967c 0e9203f8
Pc:0067343c Fr:012bfbec Rt:006735a5 Arg:028a6b80 012bfc2c 028a6b80 028a967c
Pc:006735a5 Fr:012bfc08 Rt:0067532f Arg:028a6b80 012bfc2c 028a967c 028a6b80
Pc:0067532f Fr:012bfc24 Rt:00675506 Arg:000006ea 00000000 0083a3a0 0d5e5da0
Pc:00675506 Fr:012bfc40 Rt:0062ca6a Arg:0083a328 00000001 0000000a 012bfdb8
Pc:0062ca6a Fr:012bfcd0 Rt:00442852 Arg:3d662be0 012bfcf8 012bfcec 012bfd34
Pc:00442852 Fr:012bfd10 Rt:0043c24b Arg:02845dc0 0c7ab9e8 005700f7 00000000
Pc:0043c24b Fr:012bfd4c Rt:0056f344 Arg:0000003d 012bfdb8 00000000 d9ed7cab
Pc:0056f344 Fr:012bfd7c Rt:00570acb Arg:012bfdb8 00000000 012bfdf4 016ffbe8
Pc:00570acb Fr:012bfda0 Rt:005637cc Arg:00000000 025d0d6c 0000000c 3d662be0
Pc:005637cc Fr:012bfdc0 Rt:00562834 Arg:00000002 016ff9b8 012bfe74 00000002
Pc:00562834 Fr:012bfe00 Rt:0055c898 Arg:016ff9ec 025d0d60 00000004 012bfe74
Pc:0055c898 Fr:012bfe3c Rt:0055c5bc Arg:00000004 016ffbe8 00000000 00000001
Pc:0055c5bc Fr:012bfe78 Rt:0055c18e Arg:012bff20 012bff1c ffffffff 00000002
Pc:0055c18e Fr:012bff14 Rt:0051eb02 Arg:0055c010 00000001 00000002 ffffffff
Pc:0051eb02 Fr:012bff34 Rt:0052280b Arg:7c913d00 00eb5038 00eba218 b2d2f610
Pc:0052280b Fr:012bff68 Rt:0051c741 Arg:00000002 7c913d00 00eba218 00eba218
Pc:0051c741 Fr:012bff80 Rt:0074f6de Arg:00eb5038 7c913d00 ffffffff 00eba218
Pc:0074f6de Fr:012bffb4 Rt:7c80b50b Arg:00eba218 7c913d00 ffffffff 00eba218
Pc:7c80b50b Fr:012bffec Rt:00000000 Arg:0074f67f 00eba218 00000000 01400000
*--> Stack <--*
012BFB4C 00000004 012bfba4 0a2b035c 08d043a8 ......+.\.+..C..
012BFB5C 0a2b0364 00000002 00000001 00000002 d.+.............
012BFB6C 00000001 00000002 00000001 03aa767c ............|v..
012BFB7C 0000000f fffffffe 00000002 00000001 ................
012BFB8C 00000001 00000000 00000002 00000001 ................
012BFB9C 00000001 00000000 00000001 00000001 ................
012BFBAC 00000000 012bfbd4 00682732 009ef340 ......+.2'h.@...
012BFBBC 012bfbcc 0e920010 08d043a8 028a967c ..+......C..|...
012BFBCC 009f414a 0a2b0344 012bfbec 0067343c JA..D.+...+.<4g.
012BFBDC 028a6b80 09e24ae0 028a967c 0e9203f8 .k...J..|.......
012BFBEC 012bfc08 006735a5 028a6b80 012bfc2c ..+..5g..k..,.+.
012BFBFC 028a6b80 028a967c 00000001 012bfc24 .k..|.......$.+.
012BFC0C 0067532f 028a6b80 012bfc2c 028a967c /Sg..k..,.+.|...
012BFC1C 028a6b80 0083a328 012bfc40 00675506 .k..(...@.+..Ug.
012BFC2C 000006ea 00000000 0083a3a0 0d5e5da0 .............]^.
012BFC3C 0083a3a0 012bfcd0 0062ca6a 0083a328 ......+.j.b.(...
012BFC4C 00000001 0000000a 012bfdb8 0000003d ..........+.=...
012BFC5C 00567b3e 3f1b0000 00e6cc63 3f500000 >{V....?c.....P?
012BFC6C 3f83f268 3f039c3c 00000000 3f5b941b h..?<..?......[?
012BFC7C 3deb607f 3f740b20 3e8dabff 3deb607f .`.= .t?...>.`.=
012BFC8C 3f740b20 3e8dabff c67a4326 47129f6b .t?...>&Cz.k..G
012BFC9C c6265828 4217d100 439d6800 42b6c130 (X&....B.h.C0..B
012BFCAC 4217d100 439d6800 42b6c130 0083a328 ...B.h.C0..B(...
012BFCBC 00000000 00000001 0083a3a0 3b4673ad .............sF;
012BFCCC 43a51e3e 012bfd10 00442852 3d662be0 >..C..+.R(D..+f=
012BFCDC 012bfcf8 012bfcec 012bfd34 012bfdb8 ..+...+.4.+...+.
012BFCEC 3deb607f 3f740b20 3e8dabff 00000000 .`.= .t?...>....
012BFCFC 00000000 bf800000 4720961e 012bfd4c .......... GL.+.
012BFD0C 0043c0ae 012bfd4c 0043c24b 02845dc0 ..C.L.+.K.C..]..
012BFD1C 0c7ab9e8 005700f7 00000000 0cd0f800 ..z...W.........
012BFD2C 0cd0f808 017b2800 0000000a 0000003d .....({.....=...
012BFD3C 0c7ab9ec 000000c0 80000000 00000000 ..z.............
012BFD4C 012bfd7c 0056f344 0000003d 012bfdb8 |.+.D.V.=.....+.
012BFD5C 00000000 d9ed7cab 00000004 0000003d .....|......=...
012BFD6C 00000008 012bfd70 012bfd69 017b27e8 ....p.+.i.+..'{.
012BFD7C 012bfda0 00570acb 012bfdb8 00000000 ..+...W...+.....
012BFD8C 012bfdf4 016ffbe8 00000000 012bfdb8 ..+...o.......+.
012BFD9C 0000003d 012bfdc0 005637cc 00000000 =.....+..7V.....
012BFDAC 025d0d6c 0000000c 3d662be0 3d662be0 l.]......+f=.+f=
012BFDBC 3d662be0 012bfe00 00562834 00000002 .+f=..+.4(V.....
012BFDCC 016ff9b8 012bfe74 00000002 00000002 ..o.t.+.........
012BFDDC 00000004 012bfdfc 016ffbe8 00000001 ......+...o.....
012BFDEC 00000000 005174c7 025d0d6c 016ff9e5 .....tQ.l.]...o.
012BFDFC 00000000 012bfe3c 0055c898 016ff9ec ....<.+...U...o.
012BFE0C 025d0d60 00000004 012bfe74 016ffbe8 `.].....t.+...o.
012BFE1C 00000001 016ff9b8 80081f72 016ffb3c ......o.r...<.o.
012BFE2C 00000000 012bfe30 012bfe31 00000002 ....0.+.1.+.....
012BFE3C 012bfe78 0055c5bc 00000004 016ffbe8 x.+...U.......o.
012BFE4C 00000000 00000001 00000002 016ff9b8 ..............o.
012BFE5C 80081f72 00000000 00000000 016ff9b8 r.............o.
012BFE6C 016ffbd0 00518978 00000036 012bff14 ..o.x.Q.6.....+.
012BFE7C 0055c18e 012bff20 012bff1c ffffffff ..U. .+...+.....
012BFE8C 00000002 80081f72 0000006c 00000070 ....r...l...p...
012BFE9C 00000000 0101b2e0 00000005 012bfe04 ..............+.
012BFEAC 00eb0000 016ffbd0 00000014 00000001 ......o.........
012BFEBC 00000000 00000000 00000010 00000000 ................
012BFECC 00000000 016f7e70 7ffdd000 7ffdb000 ....p~o.........
012BFEDC 7c910570 012bfec8 012bfe94 016ff9b8 p..|..+...+...o.
012BFEEC 00000001 00000000 00007733 7c80a42b ........3w..+..|
012BFEFC 012bfe80 012bf770 012bffa4 004fe65c ..+.p.+...+.\.O.
012BFF0C 007886c8 00000000 012bff34 0051eb02 ..x.....4.+...Q.
012BFF1C 0055c010 00000001 00000002 ffffffff ..U.............
012BFF2C 80081f72 00000002 012bff68 0052280b r.......h.+..(R.
012BFF3C 7c913d00 00eb5038 00eba218 b2d2f610 .=.|8P..........
*--> LogQueue <--*
(1) Repairing corrupt archive
(2) Client pathing data out of sync with server. You may observe your character 'warping' during movement.
(2) Client pathing data out of sync with server. You may observe your character 'warping' during movement.
*--> DirectX Device Info <--*
VendorId = 0x1002
DeviceId = 0x71c2
Version = 6.14.0010.6606
Description = RADEON X1600 Series
Compat = 0x00000001
VidMem = 256 MB
*--> DirectSound Device Info <--*
Description = Realtek AC97 Audio
Version (MS) = 0x0005000a
Version (LS) = 0x00001612
Company = Realtek Semiconductor Corp.
3D channels = 32
2D channels = 32
EAX support = EAX 2
Device count = 1
May 22, 2006, 11:17 PM // 23:17
Pre-Searing Cadet
I have come up with a possible problem, I think it might be my power supply. It's a name brand, but only 400W. What is yours? I've heard of people having a few issues and the P/S was to blame. Not sure, I'll find out later this week when the upgrade is installed.
May 23, 2006, 02:27 AM // 02:27
Jungle Guide
It sounds like your sound card might be trying to force EAX instead of using the direct sound app using directX, do you have any sound issues when playing at all? Maybe run a dxdiag from the start menu and check your options in guild wars. You could also check your audio properties and see if there's a way to switch off environmental sound effects, or to use that as an option while playing guild wars.
Last edited by Matsumi; May 23, 2006 at 02:55 AM // 02:55..
May 23, 2006, 06:18 AM // 06:18
We've made some changes to sound lately, audio improvements, in fact. You really might want to contact Technical Support via the Support tab of the website. I know that filing a ticket isn't the most fun thing in the world, but I bet they'd find your (shared) crash reports of interest, and your reports may help others, as well.
Gaile Gray
Support Liaison
May 23, 2006, 08:21 AM // 08:21
Jungle Guide
Originally Posted by Gaile Gray
We've made some changes to sound lately, audio improvements, in fact. You really might want to contact Technical Support via the Support tab of the website. I know that filing a ticket isn't the most fun thing in the world, but I bet they'd find your (shared) crash reports of interest, and your reports may help others, as well.
Hmm, is that why when I maxed sound quality again on my Audigy 2 ZS, I no longer get the muffled inaudible effects?
Hope it stays that way. Sound is excellent at the moment on my setup.
May 23, 2006, 05:41 PM // 17:41
Technician's Corner Moderator
Join Date: Jan 2006
Location: The TARDIS
There's even graphical lag from the way they changed the audio configuration. It's not graphic drivers either.
May 23, 2006, 06:03 PM // 18:03
Academy Page
Join Date: Jan 2006
Location: UK
Profession: W/Mo
I have the same problem with my Guild Wars, its definitely to do with sound and has only started happening to me around when Factions was released. I have lowered the quality bar by one bit and it seems to crash only once every so often now.
May 24, 2006, 09:10 PM // 21:10
Frost Gate Guardian
Join Date: May 2005
Guild: Kansas City Hotsteppers [KCHS]
Profession: W/Mo
These are the same errors I get - "Memory could not be read" and "grint.h(139)".
May 24, 2006, 09:42 PM // 21:42
Krytan Explorer
Join Date: Jan 2006
Location: Denmark
Guild: [HH] [Hax]
Profession: Mo/
I get the same kind of errors..... It could be the CPU, seeing how i use a AMD athlon too ? :S
May 24, 2006, 10:16 PM // 22:16
Frost Gate Guardian
Join Date: May 2005
Guild: Kansas City Hotsteppers [KCHS]
Profession: W/Mo
Hm. That may be it. I also use AMD Athlon. Or maybe Radeon?
May 24, 2006, 11:39 PM // 23:39
Jungle Guide
Join Date: Mar 2006
Profession: Mo/
This is just speculation at this point, but before I fdisk'd I was getting random crashes aswell. I fdisk'd because I always do every so often, and when I reinstalled all of my drivers and what not I used the latest for each. Boom, problem solved.
May 25, 2006, 12:27 AM // 00:27
Jungle Guide
Originally Posted by MaglorD
Hmm, is that why when I maxed sound quality again on my Audigy 2 ZS, I no longer get the muffled inaudible effects?
Hope it stays that way. Sound is excellent at the moment on my setup.
Spoke too soon, I still get the sound problems when sound quality is maxed. Have to leave it at 50%
Looks like Anet has yet to fix the problem.
May 25, 2006, 01:21 AM // 01:21
Ascalonian Squire
Join Date: May 2005
Location: a lot of different places
Guild: Brutal Encounter
Profession: W/Mo
When you start your PC try to restart after that (No logoff or shutdown) this will solve the problems for some of you. Remember that GW is running on MS Windows the most problematic OS ever written.
Hope to be of help.
May 26, 2006, 05:45 AM // 05:45
Wilds Pathfinder
Join Date: Apr 2006
Guild: Sentients of Shadow (noir)
Profession: Me/E
Man im getting the same problems, the Nvidia card filed a report and sent it to Anet for review. I'm not shure what to do next. I'm running the new Athlon 2.5 mhz. Arg im so frustrated!
May 26, 2006, 06:56 PM // 18:56
Krytan Explorer
Join Date: Jan 2006
Location: Denmark
Guild: [HH] [Hax]
Profession: Mo/
Well, i tryed with Both a Nvidia cart and a radeon video cart, and i got errors with both.. But from what i can see, then every1 in the thread with the problem is using an AMD cpu? maybe Gw got a problem when its running with an AMD cpu?
May 26, 2006, 09:35 PM // 21:35
Pre-Searing Cadet
Well guys, I upgraded, but I don't think it was the active components that solved my problem (problem solved, btw). I am convinced it's a power supply issue, as I read in a previous post, "maybe this game is what sets it over the edge graphically". Well, probably not considering oblivion run fine. But any fluctuations in voltage from the power supply could potentially cause memory errors, which is what we are getting.
Check your power supply. If it's a no name <500 watt, that is probably why. Even if it's a name brand, need at LEAST a 450 watter depending on setup.
Using a 600W FSP powersupply now.
May 26, 2006, 09:36 PM // 21:36
Krytan Explorer
Same problems I've been having. If you do open a support ticket and get something that works, please post. Not being able to do anything that requires reliability (Elite Missions, GvG) sucks.
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